Many times, a blog topic idea is right under your nose. Finding blog content doesn’t have to be a tough job and shouldn’t cause any stress. If you start recognizing topic opportunities regularly, you’ll never run out of blog post ideas.

Keep a running list of reader questions
Below are some different ways that you can search for and create unique content for your blog. Be sure to keep a notebook handy for the endless amount of topics that are going to start flowing out of your brain!
Whenever you are asked a compelling question via email, social media, or otherwise, write it down! Often times if one person has a question, others might as well, so why not take that idea and turn the answer into a complete blog post? You’ll not only satisfy the reader who asked the question, but will answer it for anyone looking for information on that topic as well.

Browse through your comments

The comments on your blog posts can also lead to great content ideas. They can be full of suggestions, opinions, or different perspectives that might spark your creativity. Try taking something one of your readers has commented and expand on it in a new post.

Browse through other people’s comments

The same idea can be applied to reading comments on other people’s blogs. Scan the comments for any particular questions or insight that you might not have thought of before. If people are talking about something, chances are they want to know more about it!

Get ideas from subreddits

Reddit is a great source for content. Browsing through their many subreddits (forum categories) will supply you with endless ideas, links to articles or stories, and headlines that you may not have considered before.

Pinterest has a Popular page

Did you know that Pinterest has a Popular page which collects the most recent trending pins? Use this page to your advantage and see if anything catches your eye. You can pull ideas from here, or curate your own post full of content, which I will explain below.

Curate content

Curating content is an excellent way to come up with a new post when in a hurry. It doesn’t take much time and all you need to do is collect images and/or links that you’ve found interesting. Sharing these in a way that complements your blog or your blog’s niche is all it takes. If you plan on doing regular curated content posts, start a private Pinterest board and save any interesting links there. You can also start a bookmark folder on your computer to save any articles or cool things that you come across. This makes it super easy to put a post together at a later time as the research portion is already done!

Ask for guest posters

Accepting posts from other people is another way that you can fill your site up with useful content. You can email bloggers individually to see if they might be interested in contributing to your blog, or set up a page that explains your guest posting requirements.

Find top and trending topics

You can also use sites such as Topsy or BuzzSumo to see which posts on the web are hot and trending. Simply entering a topic will provide you with top results which you can then weed through to gather ideas for your own posts.