Business idea: Dry car wash
Initial investment: 15t.r
Monthly Profit: 60t.r
payback period: 1-2 weeks.
The urgency of the business ideas do not have to go far enough to look out the window, looking at the parked cars in the parking lot. Or go out / go to the streets - at least every second car is covered with dust or dirt. Why? After all, love their cars, everyone likes to drive a car with a clean, shiny body. And because there is a car wash - they can be found at every step, starting with residential areas and dormitory area of streets, ending streets, close to the center. Offhand can distinguish two main reasons for this: • Time - stop in a car wash, wait in line, to kill another 30 -40 minutes of time, waiting for the car when finished "taking a shower»; • cost - in bad weather machine gets dirty after the first 500 meters of the way, the weather is good cleanliness and shine on the paint finish is enough for a couple of days, after which she crouches dust . Wash your car every day, 1 time every 3 days - not everyone can afford it. The solution - the mobile car wash carDry washing cars as a business idea, hit right on target - solving each of the above issues and more. Advantages of dry mobile car wash for consumer: • The service for the consumer is much less expensive than care in a classical car wash (it is clearly beneficial to the person who it has). • Save time, not only because less time on the process itself, but also on the way to the car wash (operator of dry wash himself comes to the client), a simple queue (and it does not). And even more: in some cases, the time spent is almost zero (for example, if dry cleaning is carried out in the parking lot near the shopping center at the time, as the owner of the car involved in purchases). •
Quality of dry cleaning, is higher in fact than in the case of the services of a classic car, after which only rarely possible to obtain a "perfect" result. However, there are obvious disadvantages ... Disadvantages of dry cleaning for the client - the inability to wash the underbody, wheel arches, and other hard to reach places. At the same time, absolutely does not make sense to resort to the dry cleaning in the case of strong pollution (a large amount of mud after a fishing trip) Certain difficulties were waiting for those wishing to organize a business using a mobile sink idea in the cold season: the detergent is intended for use at temperatures not . below 3 degrees Celsius that's all of the disadvantages to which, however, could be considered one, probably temporary: the technology is new, unusual, therefore, a potential customer rather skeptical about it, including the belief that used detergent is harmful to paintwork that, in the same place, it is absolutely contrary to the truth. contained in the oil means to protect the body from the effects of ultraviolet radiation (sunlight), corrosive reagents used on the roads in order to combat icing in winter, banal dirt sticks to the body . with far less enthusiasm technology dry car wash on the car body is applied with a special spray gun means, which is composed of: polymers, surfactants, silicone oils. Due to its composition, the tool isolates and encapsulates dirt particles, making possible their easy removal using conventional cloths made of microfibre. After that, the paint is polished to a high gloss with a dry cloth. On the whole procedure takes 10 to 25 minutes depending on the degree of contamination and professional experience. The benefits of a business idea by providing a mobile car wash services •
Minimum investment. Starting a business can be, in his pocket, literally 12000-15000 rubles for investment in the purchase of consumable items and materials;
• No need for searching and renting premises, the purchase of equipment;
• Does not require any permits!
• No need for water, electricity - no costs this, as well as concerns related to settlement / connectivity;
• High mobility. There is no reference to the place;
• Great opportunities in business scale needed supplies equipment and materials from the basic, without which it is hardly possible to do:
• Special spray (concentrate) for cleaning dirt and polishing body;
• Liquid glass;
• Microfiber towels; to expand the range of services to help:
• means for interior cleaning;
• detractors tires. A few things that are unlikely to be redundant in the dry car wash:
• Professional spray guns;
• Overalls for cleaners: T-shirt, cap, overalls;
• Promotional products: business cards, flyers , price lists;
• Transport. Runabout - more than enough if you plan to travel to the client. However, with the task and can handle a scooter. Dislocation Places
• Parking shopping malls - at No. 1;
• Parking supermarkets;
• uncovered;
• Underground parking, car markets, etc.
Options for business in the mobile car wash Engage dry sink cars themselves. It's hard to call the business - rather just a fairly good source of income. In the same place, a little effort to find the employee will save you from fate to do this on their own. The organization of the business directly. You take on the job of finding customers, purchasing material and organization of "production". All the hard work is being outsourced to employees for 40% of revenues. Financial results The daily revenues from the 1st point A fixed point (placed in the parking lot of shopping and entertainment complex) consists of 2 experts in the day can cater about 20-30 customers.With an average check of 200 rubles, the daily revenue of the amount of about 4000-6000 rubles.Variable costs 40% of the revenue goes to the wage fund that will be 1600-2400 rubles. Cost of materials for the 1st wash -. 20 rubles, in the amount of -. 400-600 rubles Profit Excluding variable costs of daily revenue, we get 2,000-3,000 rubles daily. In a month the figure is 60-90 thousand. Rub. Be sure of this amount should subtract your advertising costs, rental of parking spaces, and other incidental expenses, however, the business idea to provide services, dry cleaning car looks pretty attractive. It has already been It noted: that the business is easily scalable: DO sEARCH additional space and hired new employees easily double returns, increase the income of 2, 3, 5, 10 times
Prettiest thing you had posted here. I think this will be useful for the people those who are starving for the best services for their vehicle.
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