effective recording METHOD OF OUTLINE IN THREE WAY
How to outline three ways to make effective recording
1. A method of note-taking Bill Gates
Stripped squares on a sheet of paper to each recording and logically related items. For example, take one of the squares of the questions that will arise in the course of you.
2. The method of Cornell
It is this method popular among American students. It is necessary to divide the paper into three parts: a large part for recording lectures, a wide field to the left - after the fact for notes, drawings, symbols, and anything that makes it easier to memorize a speech. As well as a small box at the bottom - for a brief content of the page.
3. The method of Tony Buzan, or a method of mental maps
Buzan Tom offered to take notes in the form of live, biomorphic, similar to vines drawings, instead of boring lecture notes with lists, tables and charts. The main topic is located in the center of her branches do with keywords. The more vivid and unusual turn your image is, the better it will be remembered. In addition, this method is suitable for lecture notes, as well as for daily planning, as well as all sorts of brainstorming.
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