Make Command Prompt Transparent in Windows 10 [How To]
Make Command Prompt Transparent in Windows 10 [How To].As you know recently Microsoft Launched Windows 10 which have packed many new features that will make your windows more useful and attractive also saves your times.i have given many tutorials about Windows 10 HERE but today something is different in windows 10 I will share you prompt transparent feature in windows 10.
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Make Command Prompt Transparent in Windows 10
- First you all, you need to open MS Dos prompt by type in search bar CMD now right-click on the title bar and go to the properties as mansion guideline below in the picture.
Make Command Prompt Transparent in Windows 10 [How To] - Now in the Properties now see he Color Tab then Go and click Here. you will now see the slider that represents the transparency of the CMD window As mansion picture below.
Make Command Prompt Transparent in Windows 10 [How To] - There are many functions on mansion Tabs Font,Color. you can change anything as you want
- Now just move Opacity minimum and Maximum as defined in percentage. it representingLow and high transparency.
- Now you can Set Opacity (Transparency) as your wish.then press OK.
- Done it
I have discussed Make Command Prompt Transparent in Windows 10 [How To] with simple method you can do it easily transparency experience in your windows your windows looks Great if your like this so share this post to your friends
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