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Among the production of building materials one of the most profitable is the production of cement. The production process is divided into two main stages. First - a reception clinker mechanically mixed and heated to 1500 ° C the granules of clay and lime. Such pellets are the basis for any cement. Clinker production - is the most complex and time-consuming step in the cost structure occupies a commanding position.

The second step involves the preparation of Portland cement production, ie grinding of clinker with gypsum. Difficulties in the production of cement due to the fact that the raw material characteristics such as hardness, homogeneity and humidity have a wide range within the same field. In addition, the raw material is isolated even natural species and technological - a humidity and cleanliness.They depend on the production, storage and transportation, the so-called "human factor". 

About cement production methods There are three methods of cement production which provide "wet", "dry" and the combined method of stirring the mixture components. In the "wet" method of grinding a mixture of raw produce in water and miscellaneous ingredients are obtained in the form of a suspension. at the "dry" process in the art is free of water and charge - a finely crushed powder whose components before mixing, specially dried. the basis of the combined method may be either "wet "or" dry ", and the feature is that the output is a mixture having a humidity of 20%. The equipment for manufacturing cement depends on the feedstock used. If this limestone, its pre-milled using industrial crusher, and if the clay, then its grinding using a mill-mixer. In order to produce fine grinding clinker active mineral additives and gypsum using ball tube mill. To establish the production process, in addition to the equipment necessary to the appropriate room, ceiling height which should be less than 4 m, and the area - not less than 400-500 square meters. m. Reduction of production costs will help to owning a clay pit. Besides the basic equipment, you need equipment for cement packaging in containers and trucks. The cost of the equipment will be about 2 million. rubles.

 However, the business in any way will pay off. Modern construction market is such that absorb any amount of cement produced. How to develop a plan for such production?The development of such an important document as a business plan should take into account the interests of all stakeholders and to observe a balance. The developer of the business plan is interested in the profitability of the project. Potential partners and investors want to invest their money in a successful enterprise and benefit from this good income. The municipal or regional authorities, which determine the priorities and needs in the field of development, are also interested in the appearance of profitable and prosperous businesses that will work for the benefit of the region, to give more jobs and pay taxes to the budget. The last in the chain, but no less important, its link is the end user of the product. His interests must also be taken into account in the business plan, as consumer demand for products and services, as well as mutually beneficial for the buyer and seller pricing policy. Drawing up a business plan for the company, it provides such sections as the plan of production and organization of the process , costing, etc. the business plan of the Company, as the cement plant of small size should take into account the specification of the equipment, which in this plant will be operated, and the characteristics of the product produced. Cement concrete grade is obtained by grinding a certain way, which affects the shape of the particles obtained by the grain structure and its binding capacity. It is also important, and already developed equipment specification, which is planned to be used in cement production. For cement production mini-plant it is advisable to pick up the equipment, which specializes in the manufacture of cement clinker of high quality, the optimal composition of cement covering, Perlite-cement mixtures. Cement M 500 high quality, as well as concrete cement is also planned for production at the enterprise. Types of cement Small cement factory can produce different types of cement. Consider a few products that can be manufactured at a cement plant of small size.Together with the business and manufacturing can be arranged slate. Cement clinker - a complex 

composition comprising a compound of lime and silica. Calcium silicates represent about 75% of the clinker composition. The properties of the composition depend on the presence of aluminum compounds with calcium oxide (calcium aluminate). Most specifications affects tricalcium aluminate cement, the dominant part in the clinker. This substance is able to communicate quickly with water, thus not allowing stable compounds. From what kinds of starting materials used in the production of cement clinker, as well as the firing conditions depend on the technical properties of the resultant product. Portland cement, which is produced by different companies, though is the common name and similar characteristics of stability and durability, but its composition can differ.A difference in the composition greatly affects the rate of hardening cement mortar, frost resistance and resistance to ground water.Classical cement-sand screed is usually made ​​of cement, sand and water, at the rate of 1: 3: 3. For warming the floor without significance composition of Perlite-cement mixture. This coupler has high strength compression strength (in the ratio 5: 1) 1.2 MPa - 12 kg / sq cm 1 M500 cement used for the production of hydraulic structures; Conventional high-strength, precast and pre-stressed reinforced concrete structures; external parts of monolithic concrete body of massive structures. He also used in the construction of thin-walled monolithic structures; in the manufacture of shell plates in areas with varying water level; airfield and road construction;and concrete work with fast stripping necessity. Concrete cement is prepared on the basis of cement grade 300-400. The composition of the concrete-cement 2 0 usually includes cement, granite rubble and sand. The ratio of components in the concrete as follows: cement: sand: crushed = 3: 3: 4.5. The higher the stiffness of the concrete, so it is stronger. 

Suit specific equipment such as cement mill 22h13 to cement mini plant. It is used for autogenous gidrofola, and helps to increase cement production. This specialized equipment allows cement to substantially expand the raw material for cement production redistribution of mini-plant.Small cement plant is sure to bring you profit.

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