Why is it important to learn to competently manage their finances?
Imagine a girl who works in the office, earns 20,000 rubles a month, and every day, dine in expensive cafes. At the same time she buys a latte for 4 euros (130 rubles). She believes that with this salary, could well afford it.
Imagine what would happen if she refused this expensive coffee. In a month, it could save around 3,000 rubles. Simply postponing for a year, it would have a 36 thousand rubles.
But if it is to properly dispose of the money and begin to invest even under 25% per annum and interest reinvested, in 10 years it will have on your account 1364173 rubles. After 20 years, it will account for 14 million rubles, earned on a daily latte. After 30 years, it does not need a pension on account of its 132 million rubles. of which 2.75 million it can begin to take on a monthly basis in the form of interest, leaving the principal amount of your children and grandchildren.
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